bk-Who we are
Welcome to Richmond Academy!
Richmond Academy (RA) was established in 1911 and has been in continual operation, although at different locations, since that time. RA is part of the Seventh-day Adventist educational system that is the largest Protestant Christian school system in the world. We believe that the Creator’s design is for “whole person” development and that, no matter what your religion or philosophy of life, an Adventist school education can help your child make better moral decisions and grow up to become a trustworthy community leader.
Students in U.S. Adventist schools perform a half-grade-level better than the national average. And the longer they attend, the greater their success – CognitiveGenesis
The Virginia Council for Private Education, the Virginia Department of Education, and the North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists Board of Education accredits Richmond Academy for its Pre-kindergarten through 12th grade.

Find out more about enrolling your child at Richmond Academy by requesting an Information Packet
It is our mission to prepare youth for a productive life of service by “loving, learning, and living in Christ.”
Richmond Academy’s K-12 college-preparatory curriculum is one where faith and academics have been successfully integrated through our holistic approach of educating mind, body, and spirit.