Richmond Academy is BACK to school … and we are back AT school!! We are excited to welcome returning and new students, along with their families, to the RA community.
Are you wondering what has happened at Richmond Academy this last couple of weeks? Here is a short note from Principal Forbes:
“We have just finished our second full week of school and we praise the Lord for His care and mercies. We are beginning to show a positive daily rhythm’ at school as we follow our opening plan to make sure our students, teachers and staff are well and safe. We are pleased to report that RA continues to deliver quality instruction beyond the boundaries of the school building in new ways this year. While the majority of our students are on campus, we are continuing to teach our Vienna Juniors and Seniors remotely, offer limited high school courses to local homeschooled students and provide online education to our elementary students who have chosen to stay at home for various reasons.” Principal Forbes
We are blessed to have our students and their families as a part of our family and we are excited about the new year ahead.